Monday, July 28, 2014

C# Program to Display All the Prime Numbers Between 1 to 10

This Program checks for Primenumbers . I'm display first 10 prime numbers, Prime numbers are those numbers which are divisible by 1 and itself . We see how prime numbers are computed in the .NET Framework.
Note :
  • I will show you in a simple way, the first 10 prime numbers .

Algorithm :

1. Declare an integer variable, count, and assign the value 0 to it .
2. Declare an integer variable, num, and assign the value 2 to it .
3. Repeat until count becomes equal to 10:
  • If num is a prime number :
  1. Display num .
  2. Set count=count+1 .
  • Set num=num +1 .

Here is source code of the C# Program to Display All the Prime Numbers Between 1 to 10. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below :

Source Code :

using System; 

class prime_number
   public static void Main()
       int count=0;
       int num=2;
       Console.WriteLine("---- First 10 Prime Number ----");       

             Console.WriteLine("Prime : " + num);


---- First 10 Prime Number  ----
Prime: 3
Prime: 5
Prime: 7
Prime: 9
Prime: 11
Prime: 13
Prime: 15
Prime: 17
Prime: 21
Prime: 19

Here is source code of the C# Program to Check the number is prime or not . The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below :

using System; 

class prime_number
   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("---- Check the number is prime or not prime ----");       
       Console.Write("\n Enter a number : ");

       int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

             Console.WriteLine(num + " Is prime");

             Console.WriteLine(num + " Not prime");


---- Check the number is prime or not prime ----       

Enter a number : 5

5 Is prime .

Summary :

Here we looked at how the .NET Framework determines whether a number is a prime number. We described the basic algorithmic, which provides optimized logic for testing number factors .


  1. I wonder how 9 and 15 is coming out as prime, as prime numbers must be divisible by 1 and itself.

  2. You know . what is prime numbers . Above odd numbers are written.

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